The first impressions matters. We help your top talent stand out from the crowd. Atlantic Group Professional Resume writers analyze and write a large number of resumes, CVs, LinkedIn profiles and cover letters every day. We target geographically with offerings that are relevant and customized to the local job market requirements.
You might be new to the concept of having someone else write your resume. We understand writing your own resume can be a difficult, frustrating process—regardless of your work skills or writing expertise. And that's really the whole point of getting professional resume help. A professional resume writer gives you unbiased, constructive feedback. Besides gaining the perspective another brings to your personal pitch, you can benefit from all kinds of technical nuances our professional resume writers are trained to identify and optimize.
Here are some resume mistakes, facts, and cautionary resume help I can offer from what I saw:
Approximately 95% of the resumes contain the words “detail-oriented,” “excellent verbal and written communication” or “Able to communicate both verbally and in writing,” and “organized.” You can bet not every single applicant really exhibits these characteristics and we plan to give each candidate a data entry and transcription test. My guess is very few will pass; some of the resumes themselves are barely coherent. These self-description statements are so prolific, we’ve taken to ignoring the summary altogether and go directly to the experience and background area to search for QuickBooks and Excel. I’ll bet that’s what recruiters at the larger companies do as well.
Few people list their related skills at the top, or at all. The skills area can provide searchable key industry words for applicant tracking systems (ATS) and search engines and yet only one or two resumes show skills or include a skills area that lists specific skills for the position. I have actually had to dig for the information.
Some applicants (about 20%) come from unrelated fields (manufacturing, elderly care, art, and IT) and send resumes totally unrelated to this field without any reference to the job requirements. In terms of resume dos and don'ts, this is a huge don't.
At least half the resumes don’t include some of the major points in the job description. A few otherwise very qualified people omitted QuickBooks even though it turns out they have been using it for years.
This has been quite the eye-opening experience. As a resume writer, when I close out a project, I remind my clients that the final version of their resume is in Word. This is important, because, position titles and job descriptions vary wildly from company to company and organization to organization. Each posted position will contain very specific language and keywords that applicants can use - should use - on their resumes. If the position requires AutoCAD, and you have used AutoCAD, list that as a skill. If the position requires data analysis and you have experience with data analysis, list that. This is why experienced resume writers advocate focusing your resume and career coaches tell clients to have more than one resume - each resume has a specific focus.
What's the resume help take away here?
Focus your resume to the position to which you are applying. This can be very annoying, admittedly a cumbersome task, especially if you’re just out of college and looking at a variety of positions or you’re not yet sure about your career path or you’re changing careers. There are so many jobs that are similar with different titles. In the past, I’ve been the random sender as well. When you’re looking for a full time job and you’re sending out 10-15 resumes per day, you can get burned out. I get it. They say, working on a job may be 8 to 10 hours schedule, however, searching and applying for jobs is 14 to 16 hours of daily work schedule. So how do you search smart?
As your potential hirer, I suggest you take an extra moment to read the job description and appropriately add important keywords. Now, that I’ve experienced the hiring side of resumes, I see the power of resume mistakes and what’s at stake. Seriously - your resume is the difference between a job and the shredder.
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